This was an update of my Bougainvillea cuttings.
I'm aiming to grow this as a mame bonsai at about 5" tall. The shoots are getting long now and it's a good sign that this little tree is healthy. The trunk is really not that nice at about 1" in diameter with no movement at all. It also looks slender relative its height. This tiny tree really has a long way to go and a lot of flaws to fixed. The trunk also needs taper to give an impression of an old tree. Maybe in the near future I'd like to grow a lower branch until it thickens up the base of the trunk by using a thread grafting technique and to be cut back when that branch has served its purpose. But for now this post will tackle about an air layering technique to shorten this tree. Air layering is a process of propagation where you will grow roots on a branch or trunk to grow it independently and also allowing the lower part which already has a root system to continue to grow.
First decide on how tall you want the trunk to be. Be sure to use a clean cutting tool and and make two parallel clean cuts across the trunk.

Then make another cut perpendicular to the previous cut you've made. This will allow you to have an easy access in peeling off the bark deep enough to remove the cambium (dividing tissue between xylem and phloem) which is responsible for the growth of stems and roots. Be sure to peel off all the bark and cambium around the trunk.
Next prepare a clean plastic container and a rooting medium of your choice. Make a cut on the container so that it will fit the trunk. You can also use a sphagnum moss as a rooting medium and a plastic wrap to seal it. Be sure to check the moisture of the rooting medium and water if necessary.
Happy Bonsai growing to ALL!!!
- Bougainvillea Cuttings
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