Bougainvillea Plant

Bougainvillea Plant

Bougainvillea Plant Care

Bougainvillea plant is one of the classiest vines you can grow.Bougainvillea plant are tough woody shrublike vines that climb up vigorously and grows numerous colorful flowers. Although bougainvillea plant is tropical it can also be grown in cold areas. Bougainvillea flower is very attractive yet exceptionally unusual.The colorful array that we usually notice are not actually the bougainvillea flower but the papery bracts that surrounds their tiny white or sometimes a yellow-white waxy flowers.

Bougainvillea plant should be planted in areas with lot of sunlight. Full sunlight is necessary for them to bloom. Sufficient watering is needed and keep the soil moist. Too much water may kill your bougainvillea plant for their roots are so sensitive and rot easily in soaking wet soil. Although bougainvillea plant is usually used in landscaping it is also a great flowering bonsai material. This bougainvillea shohin bonsai stands about 10 inches and is the upper part of this bougainvillea shohin bonsai propagation. I left this bougainvillea plant undisturbed for a year and use the technique called root escape method. This technique enables this bougainvillea plant to grow much faster. I'm already satisfied with the height and the trunk girth and I will be focusing now on ramification. I will be pruning this bougainvillea plant more often to encourage branching. You might want to see this bougainvillea progression pictures here.


I want one of these so bad. I think they are so beautiful and look really nice in homes. I hope I would be good at taking care of it, I've never taken care of a tree before.

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